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1) Do you want to tell us something about yourself and your art? 

I’m Tamago, a pretty run-of-the-mill kink artist. Nerdy and reserved. My debut was on Tumblr drawing mostly light /m art, then I started NSFW accounts on Twitter and DeviantArt per popular demand.

Leggi tutto: Tickling Artists #89: Interview with LateNightEgg

I’ve been drawing personal tickling themed art for years but I didn’t start regularly posting my art until 2022. Most of my personal art is fandom related, but I also do a lot of commissions so the content is usually split. My favorite characters to draw tickling art are ocs, anime and video game characters. I only ever really sketched on paper up until 5 years ago, so my coloring skills are a bit poor. Thanks for liking my art anyways! A few fun facts about me are that I can play piano, my favorite Pokemon is Primarina, and I have 12 Hatsune Miku posters.

2) What techniques do you use to draw? Do you have a favorite artist that inspires you?

Nothing special. I usually freehand a pose sketch and then try to salvage it from there. Studying drawings, animations, videos, photos, etc is the only thing I can really attest to achieving the ability to draw a large variety of different scenarios. Knowing different types of bondage structures/poses/medium as well as tickling techniques/tools is really helpful to come up with concepts quickly, although that’s more of a BDSM staple than anything. Practice is impactful too! 

I have so many tickling-themed artists that I admire; our community is really rife in unique art styles and underrated talent. I’m way too shy to address any by name, but I especially respect artists who have been drawing publicly in the community for many years. Watching a veteran artist improve and grow over time is really satisfying.

3) How much was the passion for drawing born in you? And the one for the tickle?

It can only be described as directly from birth, for each. I’ve always had weird feelings about tickling since before I knew exactly what it was. When I first stumbled across the kink community, it was less of an awakening and more of a wave of relief at knowing I’m not completely crazy. Luckily, I’ve been able to really flourish and come to understand myself better by experiencing the tickling community, so I feel very solid in my interests and alignments and no longer feel that queasy “Is this normal?” feeling. I started involving tickling into my own art years ago so I have had a lot of time to develop a comfortability in that too. I am a self-taught artist and mainly just draw whatever I feel like. I love fashion design, so when I’m not drawing tickling content it’s usually girls in cute outfits. 

4) What are the tickling scenarios that you prefer to draw?

I enjoy tickling in every aspect it has to offer, so I end up drawing a lot of different scenes; including a variety of genders, intensity, spots, and levels of sexual themes. My personal taste is mostly intense, torturous tickling. Those are the kind of tickles I like to receive/give in real life so it ends up translating into my art. Especially with NSFW art, I can’t help but deliver really sadistic scenes (sometimes the loins guide the pen instead of the hands…). This includes a lot of noncon/cnc/dubcon as well, which is not appealing to everyone, but usually very well loved among those who are attracted to those themes. I personally enjoy cnc sessions in real life and have had good experiences responsibly conducting them, so I feel equipped to display it in my art with a certain level of tact.


5) What are the aspects of tickling that you intend to represent with your art? Example: the laughing, the wriggling, the relationship between tickler and ticklee?

The overwhelming, helpless, and maddening feeling of being tickled; vs the hungry, addicting, powerful feeling of tickling someone are the two concepts I try to put into play. Expressions are particularly important to me because it’s one of the best ways to emphasize a lee really losing it against the intense feeling. I usually over-do accents like tears, blush, and sweat for the same reason. It’s also crucial that the hands/tools tickling look extremely ticklish! Indents in the skin where the tickling fingers/bristles/prongs touch make a big difference, although it can be hard to get it right. Lastly, a ler with a face that can be read like a book is a must. A ler focused on a lee’s face or ticklish spot with half-lidded eyes or a lip bite is super hot to me. 

6) Online there are countless photos and videos of tickling sessions. In your opinion, what do illustrations offer more than images of real life?

Illustrations are easily crucial in a kink community, in my opinion, because they provide a fantasy element. Most of my drawings are of fantasies that I have, so they aren’t always practical or ethical. But to be able to safely enjoy less ethical or practical content in kink is really important, so artists/animators/writers definitely provide a desirable service. Getting to indulge in noncon scenarios (like kidnapping, interrogation, etc) becomes achievable fully in art. Not to mention things like magic, machines, non-humans, etc. can be enjoyed and pushed to their limits through art. I believe coming up with creative and unorthodox scenarios of tickling is one of the most stimulating parts of being in a kink community, especially as a content creator. Also, a lot of live producers garner inspiration from kink drawings, and vice versa. So basically without the comics/illustrations/fics we would lose a large amount of creativity in the community, and creatively pushing scenarios to there limits is one of the sexiest parts of bdsm (in my opinion, at least).

7) In your opinion, what makes tickling so interesting for fans of this phenomenon?

Based on experience I’d guess that most tickling lovers are the same as me and were just cursed/blessed with the yearning from their earlier years and had to slowly come to terms with what it actually meant and how common/uncommon the experience is. I feel like the topic of paraphilia in general is kind of overlooked in our community (which isn’t a huge deal, might as well enjoy the sexy stuff without all the logistics hanging over your head), and it doesn’t have a lot of established research in general (who wants to pay scientists to study fetishists?) but we all seem to share that awkward and cautious feeling about our interest; knowing it’s not “the norm” and battling our confidence with expressing how we feel and not fearing rejection. So I feel it’s safe to say that many community members have always felt this way and just never knew why. However, sharing such a passionate and lively community together has been super beneficial in this aspect for not only me but a lot of my mutuals and friends. Obviously a lot of our most beloved content creators are very forward and eager about their love for tickling. I applaud those types because it takes a lot of courage!

8) What are your works of which you are most proud?

I’m still learning so it can be hard for me to look back at my art with a lot of pride, especially knowing that I could do better. But I’ll try to look back at some commissions I did that I felt particularly impassioned about!


This was a commission I did for someone who actually received a prior drawing from me as a secret santa present. I was happy to not only get to draw two characters that I really love, but also have someone love a drawing of mine enough that they want to see a part two. I took some creative liberty with the outfits so I was able to adjust my coloring to it a little easier. Overall I was pleased because my personal artstyle came through really nicely in this piece, especially on Mitsuri with her hair and face. This piece is one of my most popular on dA so it seems it was well received. This is a commission I did for an artist that I really admire, so I was super elated when they wanted to commission me. I was also given the honor of drawing their OCs so the whole process was a delight for me. The concept was something that I don’t usually go for so it gave me the chance to learn some new techniques and posing. I felt like Hura (the lee’s) face turned out very nice and super hot, and Syndur (the ler’s) lip bite turned out well too. Of course, the commissioner’s idea and dialogue tied the whole thing together. This was very well loved on Twitter (and very widely reposted from what I’ve noticed…haha). Definitely things I could improve on looking back but overall it was a pretty clean piece. This one is just a personal SFW sketch I did for tumblr, and has a lot of room for improvement; however I chose this drawing because the scenario made me really happy and I put a lot of love into it, and you can tell! Even with its flaws, there are still a lot of little details that I appreciate even looking back on it now, because it is just a wholesome reflection of a small fandom that I enjoy. I was able to capture the dynamic between the two different couples exactly how I wanted to, and the positions and tickling were portrayed with the perfect level of fluffiness and flirtiness. I also did my best to replicate the artist’s style for this one, because I felt that it was the best way to make it almost feel like a real tickling scene from the series. You can still see a lot of my own style in it, however, so overall I’d say it is still a success. This received a good amount of love on tumblr – both from tickle enthusiasts who didn’t know the series but enjoyed the drawing, and fans of the series who aren’t actually in the tickling community but still thought the scene was cute. Getting attention from “normies” is especially embarrassing but since it was positive I was very flattered in the end.

9) Do you have any particular artistic goals for the future?

I have an iPad that I’m ready to break in. I didn’t start drawing digitally until 2021 and that was just using my laptop and wacom, so I still have a lot to learn. I don’t even know the first steps to rendering, haha. But I have been doing my best to improve my basic skills (like anatomy, posing, line art, etc) so that I can jump right into it and make lots of progress! My commission business has been growing and I don’t want to let anyone down, so I’ll keep working hard at improving and learning new techniques. 

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