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1) Do you want to tell us something about yourself and your art?

Sure. I’m KillanSage, it’s been a long way since I went from watcher to artist. I created this account almost a decade ago and I only dedicated myself to following this type of content.

Leggi tutto: Tickling Artists #90: Interview with KillanSage

My first posts, and most of them in fact, are practically deleted art from other people whose accounts have disappeared. Having saved them, it seemed right to republish them to share them and not be forgotten. Over time I was encouraged to make my own art, starting by digitizing sketches on paper and as I grew I did some commissions, until settling where I am now.

2) What techniques do you use to draw? Do you have a favorite artist that inspires you?

I use Paint Tool Sai, I work in several layers, leaving the first one for visual references, after the lineart, and finally one for each color tone. My artist and inspiration model was of course TKGEEK, it was his deleted art that I made and republished (with his permission and support) it was one of those cases where you meet your idol and it turns out so well that he becomes your friend. My first drawings even tried to imitate his style before finding my own identity, as well as I colored some of his sketches. He has now disappeared again and I have taken up my task of preserving his legacy again.

3) How much was the passion for drawing born in you? And the one for the tickle?

I started drawing more or less since 2019 and I was self-taught, I really wanted to make my own art and rebrand my account. I have had a taste for tickling for as long as I can remember, you could say I was born with it.

4) What are the tickling scenarios that you prefer to draw?

In a world dominated mostly by foot fans, I have a personal preference for upperbody tickling, especially armpits. But I don’t have a particular preference for any type of scenario.


5) What are the aspects of tickling that you intend to represent with your art? Example: the laughing, the wriggling, the relationship between tickler and ticklee?

Laughter is a fundamental thing of course, any frame of a person laughing in an animated TV-series inspires me and makes my imagination fly, many of my drawings originated thanks to that. Upperbody tickling is also my priority to represent as I said before. I also like to approach uncommon characters in this fetish and give them the attention they deserve. I have a predilection for series from geek culture, superheroes and comics.

6) Online there are countless photos and videos of tickling sessions. In your opinion, what do illustrations offer more than images of real life?

The fantasy factor of course, in the drawings you can see classic elements like floating hands or feathers, tentacles or plant vines, elements like voodoo and so on, the sky’s the limit. The drawings also offer the opportunity to mix tickling with other fetishes like vore, internal tickling or giantesses that would be impossible to perform in real life.

7) In your opinion, what makes tickling so interesting for fans of this phenomenon?

I think it is a moment of unique vulnerability, where the victim, even if they do not suffer a real risk of harm, does experience a genuine desperation that captures our attention.

8) What are your works of which you are most proud?

Outside of the collabs and commissions, there are two drawings in particular that I’m proud of and I’ve attached them below, one of upperbody tickling starring Gwen and a more classic one of feet tickling starring Supergirl, I feel like I put my soul into drawing them, and I’m glad they’ve been well received.


9) Do you have any particular artistic goals for the future?

Maybe being more active in the future would be a goal, I don’t usually draw often but I do enjoy it when I do. And of course, continuing to improve and overcome my limits.

10) Do you think AIs will end up enriching or impoverishing the art of tickling representations?

It’s complicated, I think AI is still far from being on par with the work of a professional artist, but in the last few months it has grown by leaps and bounds and people have been able to train it very well with the right prompts. If you type tickling in the search engine here on DeviantArt you will see that 8/10 results are generated by AI. But I think there will always be someone who pays to receive a more elaborate drawing, in addition to other artists like me who do it just for fun.

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