
1) Do you want to tell us something about yourself and your art?

I’m IrishaArenir. This is actually my first interview and I’m a bit confused). I can hardly tell you anything interesting. It’s simple: I have loved drawing since childhood. I started with the cartoon series “Winx” and “My Little Pony”. I copied other people’s drawings and drew my own characters. I was always most interested in drawing, in the process itself. I’ve never had any goals, for me it’s a path for the sake of the path. I am fascinated by the work of drawing, the movements of the pencil, and the possibilities of the tools. The way an image is formed from lines and spots of color.

Leggi tutto: Tickle Artists #111: Interview with IrishaArenir

I started out as a traditional artist, I had a huge graduation picture in college ahahaha. Regarding themes, I was always drawn to female imagery and anything mystical.

Right after college I went to work as a teacher at a children’s art school. Two years later I quit and here, began to develop their creativity on the Internet and take the first orders) Opened to me this world one Russian publisher Rgevskiy. A few months I worked with him, and then left in free swimming.

2) What techniques do you use to draw? Do you have a favorite artist that inspires you?

Right now the first thing I’m trying to improve is the linart. I want my lines to speak for themselves and be a strong foundation for the drawing. Not much in the way of techniques. The only thing I can mention is gradients. They make the picture more interesting.

I can’t name specific names of artists, but I can say that I often look at and admire works of art. I often take note of some of the artists’ interesting tricks. And I find new authors all the time.

3) How much was the passion for drawing born in you? And the one for the tickle?

Like I said, I’ve had a passion for drawing since I was a kid. It’s the one thing I devote most of my life to and try to delve into.

The tickle thing was funny. The publisher mentioned above just happens to specialize in tickling. Before him, I didn’t even know such a fetish existed! Ahahaha. Initially, I treated it as something weird and far from me. But the longer I worked with the topic, the more I became immersed in it. I started trying to understand what tickling was so appealing to people.

As for me, I like to playfully tickle my friends. For me it’s a game, it’s silly, it’s fun. I myself just can’t stand tickling, I die of laughter and I can’t even imagine what would happen to me if I were handcuffed and immobilized. I’d probably die of laughter and hysteria ahhhahaha.


4) What are the tickling scenarios that you prefer to draw? 

I really like it when there’s a lot of stuff. I like tentacles and similar things so that they touch the character wherever they can and not just to tickle)

5) What are the aspects of tickling that you intend to represent with your art? Example: the laughing, the wriggling, the relationship between tickler and ticklee?

I want to capture as wide a range of possible scenarios as possible. I love variety and will not encapsulate my creativity in one narrow direction.

6) Online there are countless photos and videos of tickling sessions. In your opinion, what do illustrations offer more than images of real life?

I believe that always an illustration expresses more. More emotion, more feeling, mood, energy. And plus, you can draw anyone and anything, limitless possibilities.

7) In your opinion, what makes tickling so interesting for fans of this phenomenon?

My conclusion is that tickling is interesting because of its wide emotional spectrum. There are always different unique sensations and reactions. For some it is suffering and torture, while others may even enjoy it and find it pleasurable. It is the unique perception of tickling that makes this fetish so interesting.


8) What are your works of which you are most proud?

I have a complicated relationship with my results. I am the kind of artist who is always dissatisfied with myself. In two years of teaching, I hardly ever drew, and if I did, I drew sketches for tattoos (I wanted to be a tattoo artist). Because of this, my skill dropped a lot. And when I started actively drawing again – I was amazed by my weak works. But now I draw even more and gradually the pictures are getting better.

But I still like my work with Perona in slime from One Piece. And also the last series of illustrations with Princess Peach came out really cute. The audience appreciated it too)

9) Do you have any particular artistic goals for the future?

I want to become a mega super popular artist! For me the response to my works, communication with the audience is important.

And of course, I have a goal to improve my earnings so I can do personal projects. I already have an idea for a Succubus Witch comic book, but I can’t do it yet because of the need to make money for a living.

I like the path I’m on, the goal isn’t the most important thing to me. I just like doing what I’m good at and love. And I’m very happy that I have an audience that enjoys following my work. I’m really very happy right now.

10) Do you think AIs will end up enriching or impoverishing the art of tickling representations?

I never expressed my opinion about AI. Personally, I avoid such images, I am closer to what people draw with their hands. But I don’t deny the usefulness of AI as a drawing tool. I once used AI myself to see what a torture lab might look like.

I’m definitely against AI being used to create an endless amount of one-size-fits-all pictures, I don’t like it at all when creativity becomes an empty canvass for content. I believe that there can only be soul in a piece of work that one has put time, effort and their knowledge into.

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