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1) Do you want to tell us something about yourself and your art?

My name is Hella. I’ve been involved in the tickling community for several years now. I have been drawing since I could pick up a pencil and always loved creating my own characters and worlds. 

I am mostly self-taught, but I also learn a lot from my partner, TheVerdantHawk. I have improved a lot from being open to critiques and trying new things.

I am writing my story, Hellbent, which is hosted on my website: http://helladelic.com

I have been working on this project for decades, developing my characters, and creating artwork about them, which includes fetish art, of course!

2) What techniques do you use to draw? Do you have a favorite artist that inspires you?

I sketch on Clip Studio Paint EX, then I do my inking in Paintool SAI, and then back to Clip Studio Paint EX where I color.

My favorite artist who has always inspired me from the day we met is my lovely partner, Arthur! He not only inspires me artistically but also as a person. I grew a lot as both an artist and a person because of him. We collaborate in both love and art. 

3) How much was the passion for drawing born in you? And the one for the tickle?

Drawing has always been a joy and outlet for me since I was a little girl. The tickling came to fruition when I met my partner and he gave me that awakening about myself! 

4) What are the tickling scenarios that you prefer to draw?

Wholesome couple tickling pieces between sole-mates and tummy tickling. It’s an underrated fave of mine! 


5) What are the aspects of tickling that you intend to represent with your art? Example: the laughing, the wriggling, the relationship between tickler and ticklee?

The connection and relationships between the characters involved is something I intend to show and tell a bit of a story about them!

6) Online there are countless photos and videos of tickling sessions. In your opinion, what do illustrations offer more than images of real scenes?

Illustrations can push the boundaries of reality and portray fantasies that can’t be executed in real life! The possibilities are endless and limitless. 

7) In your opinion, what makes tickling so interesting for fans of this phenomenon?

Laughter is the best medicine for the soul. It’s the ultimate dopamine and serotonin release.

Tickling means different things to different people. Everyone has their different reasons and tastes and that’s a wonderful thing!

For me, it can be loving, hot, funny, or all of the above! It depends on the connection between those involved. 

8) What are your works of which you are most proud?


9) Do you have any particular artistic goals for the future?

I would like to do more personal tickling pieces with both mine and Arthur’s characters, especially pieces that tell a story. I also want to do more animated pieces and comics with our characters, too! 

10) Do you think AIs will end up enriching or impoverishing the art of tickling representations?

I feel AI “art” impoverishes the art of tickling because it steals from real artists and devalues our work. Art comes from within and it is a journey and reflection of the soul. Only you can create it. It takes years of practice and hard work to learn and master this skill, like with any skill. But the results are so rewarding and satisfying because you earned it from your hard work.
Putting a prompt into a machine and having it make it for you defeats the purpose and point. It takes no effort or skill and the results are nothing like your vision. Is it art when I put coordinates into my GPS to show me the way home? There is no soul or purpose in AI and it is uncanny and horrifying.

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