
1) Do you want to tell us something about yourself and your art?

Well, I’m a Venezuelan artist who draws lots of stuff, with my NSFW account (EroCanvasArt) I draw NSFW and kinky stuff

Leggi tutto: Tickle Artists #112: Interview with EroCanvasArt

My art style is heavily inspired by the 90s and early 2000s anime style and I’ve been drawing NSFW stuff since 2 years ago.

2) What techniques do you use to draw? Do you have a favorite artist that inspires you?

I draw on digital, using the Free Software drawing program Krita on Manjaro KDE as OS, every piece that I draw is made with it and a Parblo graphic tablet.

I have lots of favorite artists, in general stuff Akira Toriyama, Kazuki Takahashi, Yoshihiro Togashi and Hirohiko Araki are my main inspirations.

On NSFW stuff, Caroo, ZP92, Skoufidios, Mr. Valentim are my faves.

3) How much was the passion for drawing born in you? And the one for the tickle?

I have always drawn stuff since I was a kid, and in high school. I used to be drawing in middle of the classes and being scolded by my teachers back then XD

And tickling? Well, thanks to DA pics that I watched when I was in college, tickling stuff were hot to me, there’s nothing much to explain XD

4) What are the aspects of tickling that you intend to represent with your art? Example: the laughing, the wriggling, the relationship between tickler and ticklee?

The kinkiness and delicious ticklish sensations, to the point that the ones who end looking at my stuff would say “hot~”

5) What are the tickling scenarios that you prefer to draw?

Tickling in stocks, and when there are two or more ticklees in the same pair of stocks, there’s not escape for laughs, hehehe.


6) Online there are countless photos and videos of tickling sessions. In your opinion, what do illustrations offer more than images of real life?

Well, the unique characters, irl you won’t see furries or OCs get tickled like they do in illustrations.

7) In your opinion, what makes tickling so interesting for fans of this phenomenon?

For me there are many factors: fun, laughs, kinkiness, a scenario full of pleasure.


8) Do you have any particular artistic goals for the future?

Yeah, I wanna get more subscribers on Patreon to support my stuff.

9) Do you think AIs will end up enriching or impoverishing the art of tickling representations?

There’s something that AI can’t do: show emotions. AI stuff ends being plain or even somewhat insipid and generic. But humans have lots of styles, concepts, ideas, and unlimited imagination.

AI would end impoverishing any kind of art.

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