
1) Do you want to tell us something about yourself and your art?

Hello guys! This is ccchhhyyy and you can also call me Charley. I’m a postgradute student from China and I mainly do male tickling arts which depict different kinds of men being tickled to their madness.

2) What techniques do you use to draw? Do you have a favorite artist that inspires you?

I basically draw on a Wacom digital screen and use PS or CSP on the computer. And I sometimes use Procreate on iPad to draw when I don’t have my laptop with me.

Yes. My favorite artist who inspires me in my tickling artwork is a famous artist AchillesHeelArt. And I also got a lot of inspirations from another artist Cado. But besides tickling artworks, there is an artist called Rinotuna who influences my drawing style the most as I color my works according to his tutorial. And recently I also find an extraordinary artist called VoidBringer and I’m trying to learn his painting method.

3) How much was the passion for drawing born in you? And the one for the tickle?

I feel like the eagerness for drawing has been flowing in my blood since I was a child. Since primary school, I’ve been drawing comics. And when I got my iPad and laptop when I came into college, it was more passionate for me to draw and to learn how to draw better.

And the passion for tickling starts when I was about ten or older as I was in primary school. After I watched cartoons with some tickling plots and read some tickling stories online, I found tickling an exciting thing for me and especially male tickling. I believe tickling may be some kind of sexual awakening for me and it keeps sexually appealing to me till now.

4) What are the tickling scenarios that you prefer to draw?

I prefer to draw muscular men trapped into a desperate situation and being tickled. My favorite scenario is a tickling interrogation. I’d like to show the scene of the unbreakable and tough guys being tickled to be broken and at last confess the secrets they’ve been hiding.


5) What are the aspects of tickling that you intend to represent with your art? Example: the laughing, the wriggling, the relationship between tickler and ticklee?

I’d like to depict the painful expressions and their strugglings to get away from tickling. I find the expressions and the wriggling can better show the desperate situation which the ticklee is going through and make it easier for people more easily to get into my artwork and feel the agony of the ticklee.

6) Online there are countless photos and videos of tickling sessions. In your opinion, what do illustrations offer more than images of real life?

I believe the illustrations can show much more than the real life images. As we artists can create a world of fantasy and explore more ways of tickling. In illustrations, the way of tickling can be magic feathers, tickling ghosts, floating hands, squirming tentacles and so on. And the ticklees can be Marvel superheroes, game champions, movie guys and so on. And I think these are the things which are hard to show in real life images.

7) In your opinion, what makes tickling so interesting for fans of this phenomenon?

I believe this has a relation with the feeling of conquest. As we boys usually wanted to be better than others, when we were romping together in Middle/High schools, we would use tickling to make others surrender cause teenage boys are usually very ticklish and fighting may get people hurt but tickling won’t. So when I tickled someone (sometimes the guys who were stronger than me and unable to win against using normal methods) to give in to me, I would feel a conquering feeling of conquering which pleased me a lot. Besides, tickling also gives me a feeling of “Intimate” with the people I tickled. When I touched the soft muscles in their armpits and the smooth skin of their feet soles, I felt like we were so close to each other because you let me touch the very soft and intimate part of your body as most dudes won’t let others touch these areas. That feeling of closeness also made me satisfied.

8) What are your works of which you are most proud?

Recently I’m most proud of the “Sett tickling” artwork. As I think I fully depicted his painful expression, his sculptural muscular body and the slime squirming over his body. And I also feel satisfied as I successfully draw the gesture of his head upside down inside the slime body. I’m proud that I seldom find tickling artworks drawn in this angle.

9) Do you have any particular artistic goals for the future?

I’m learning the painting styles of those great artists and improving my skills of drawing the muscular body of men. I hope one day my artworks will become a symbol of male tickling for readers all over the world.

10) Do you think AIs will end up enriching or impoverishing the art of tickling representations?

I think they will enrich the art of tickling. For many artists who just start drawing artworks of tickling, AI will help them fully express their imagination. And I also find many AI artworks inspiring to me. But for artists, I think AI should only be an aid for drawing. What counts most and will satisfy us in the future is the improvement of our own drawing ability.

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