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1) Do you want to tell us something about yourself and your art?

Hello, i am Alis-art23, i am 23 years old and i´ve been a self taught artist for a couple years and as it happens to most artists sooner or later i got tempted to do art of my fetishes, i also do non fetish art but i don’t share those cause i always feel insecure about my art skills and for some reason i am more picky with normal art than fetish art.

Leggi tutto: Tickling Artist #95: Interview with Alis-art23

2) What techniques do you use to draw? Do you have a favorite artist that inspires you?

I draw in Photoshop most of the time and my process or “technique” is pretty standard. I start with a thumbnail sketch of the scene and then enlarge it and start building and adding detail on top of it (faces, bodies etc).

As for artists there are a lot who inspire and make me wanna be a better artist but i guess you want to know about fetish artists, on that end definitely Navellunatic was the one who had me trying fetish art for the first time and to this day remains as my favorite fetish artist.

3) How much was the passion for drawing born in you? And the one for the tickle?

I think the passion for drawing was more of an acquired taste. when i was in highschool i was in the art club because it was mandatory to be in a recreational class (cooking, music, dance etc) and art seemed as the most chill, through most of my time there i did the bare minimum to pass without actually trying to learn something but on my last year something clicked and i start enjoying it and putting passion into it to the point where i started using my own money to buy art books, materials etc. Unfortunately once I graduated I kinda stopped doing it despite the encouragement from my father and friends cause I got too busy with work and other stuff and I barely got back into art like almost 2 years ago.

As it happens to most people with their fetishes they started very early on in my life although i can’t say for sure what got me into tickling, and while i do enjoy to do that kind of stuff when in a relationship there is also some awkwardness to it when bringing the topic to a partner so i do prefer it on art and writings.

4) What are the tickling scenarios that you prefer to draw?

As anyone may tell for my gallery i am mostly into F/F scenes and i like bellies/belly buttons so i definitely like that body part to be the target in a scene, i like the tickler to use her mouth and tongue to tickle the victim so that is what you’ll see the most but what is definitely my favorite thing is for the tickler to use her feet to tickle the belly of her victim, unfortunately i don’t draw feet that well yet so i dont draw those scenes too frequently.


5) What are the aspects of tickling that you intend to represent with your art? Example: the laughing, the wriggling, the relationship between tickler and ticklee?

I’d say I really care about the vulnerability of the ticklee. When drawing a scene I try for the expression to show that the character wants it to stop and for the body language to show the character trying to cover herself to stop the tickle but she is unable to do so.

6) Online there are countless photos and videos of tickling sessions. In your opinion, what do illustrations offer more than images of real life?

Definitely the fantasy you can add to it, tentacles, machines, creatures etc. Imagination is the limit but this cant be included (or at least most of the times not in a compelling way) in other media the way it does on drawings, also having whatever character you like into these scenarios and if the artist is good enough with the same artstyle and everything (not my case)

7) In your opinion, what makes tickling so interesting for fans of this phenomenon?

I think that answer is different for everyone and it probably has to do with our different life experiences, but at least for me i like the vulnerability of it, like i guess we all know how tickles feel like and we know that when we feel them we try to cover ourselves or get our body away from the tickle and having a character unable to do so cause of being pinned or tied is what does it for me.


8) What are your works of which you are most proud?

Well i definitely get the most satisfaction out of a drawing when it was challenging for me but i still get to give a compelling result, and on that matter the R6 tickle comic was huge for me, it has been my biggest comm so far and i got the panels to make sense and give some sexy moments on each page, i also feel very proud of the ones where there are more than 2 characters on the same scene, which is the case of the Shinobu one and my last art of the Spiderwomen and finally the Mikasa and Annie one i like it not because of the scene itself but because i am a huuuuuuge fan of Attack on Titan and i i really liked drawing those characters and i feel very happy with the result

9) Do you have any particular artistic goals for the future?

Yes i actually want to make art more professionally, i love art concept and animation and would love to work on that so i try to learn and teach myself as much as possible to be really good at it someday cause if by any reason i don’t get an opportunity at least i don’t want it to be cause of lack of skill.

10) Do you think AIs will end up enriching or impoverishing the art of tickling representations?

Ethics about its existence and all that kind of talk aside I think AI could be a great tool for artists, as a tool to come up with concepts, ideas, references and it could save a lot of time that we normally use just scrolling through pinterest. Personally, I don’t use it because I know me and I’ll spend most time trying to have “the perfect reference” instead of actually drawing. Unfortunately using it to generate images and posting those images as finished artwork will have more negative consequences than positive imo (not only in the tickle community but most art communities), using it as a the easy route instead of as a learning tool could keep us from seeing some future amazing artists and seeing their development cause they decided to use AI instead and this will could also give an oversaturation of repetitive content with no style or nothing really outstanding about it.

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