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1) Do you want to tell us something about yourself and your art?

Well, my name is Olvy Purplemoon, I’m from Mexico and I’ve been drawing for about eight years but only four years publishing here on Deviantart. My first profile was called Thestarwolf0971 and it was somewhat successful but after several personal and emotional problems I decided to close all accounts related to this old “me”, I currently have my personal profile on Deviantart called LaCuevadeOlvy and a furaffinity and inkbunny profile under the name PharowolfStudios

Leggi tutto: Tickling Artists #94: Interview with LacuevadeOlvy

2) What techniques do you use to draw? Do you have a favorite artist that inspires you?

My technique is mixed, I mix and match traditional art and digital art based on the digitization of physical sketches. I use tools like Ibis paint and Adobe Illustrator to turn my drawings made on paper and graphite into digital format. I have many favorite artists but I can highlight four of the rest:

Musicalmutt2: is a digital artist who inspired me to watch Paw Patrol and make my own fictional universe based on this very interesting series

Caroo: also known as Caroo’sDungeon on Deviantart, he is my biggest inspiration when it comes to “spicy” and ticklish themes. For a long time I analyzed and incorporated elements of his style into mine to complete it.

Assassinangelwolfdog: he is my closest friend, I like to chat with him and thanks to him I was able to enter the world of bdsm and themes of that style, also his way of writing allowed me to perfect my own way of telling stories, he is a very important pillar of my life now.

Tatsuchan18: a furaffinity artist. Her flagship comic, Slaves4Sale, is my most recent inspiration. I discovered her in a moment of weakness and her comic gave me a breath of fresh air to a certain extent, inspiring me to continue my work as an artist until I could tell all the stories I have accumulated in these eight long years.

3) How much did you develop a passion for drawing? And for tickling?

My passion for art arose more specifically in the distant 2016, back then I illustrated a story about a pair of cowboys who killed each other in a duel. That idea mutated into a series of stories with the characters from my favorite series living crazy and bizarre adventures. The series gradually separated from its original idea until it obtained its own essence and I am currently still working on it.

More than a passion, my love for tickling started thanks to the artist Caroo and to this day I don’t understand what fascinated me about it but I like it and I like to draw about it from time to time

4) What are the tickling scenarios that you prefer to draw?

I prefer to draw those scenarios in which the one who is being tickled is tied up or restricted in some way, those moments that involve oils, chemicals and machines are always welcome, sensory deprivation or just blindfolds are a very good option. Of course, the characters must be in a comfortable and appropriate environment, for this I usually design devices and chairs that keep the character comfortable without leaving aside their restriction. (Generally treatment and torture with tickles)

I only draw tickling on the feet at the moment and it is my favorite type of tickling, but not only that, I also really like to draw teasing, cuddling and massages (on the feet obviously)


5) What are the aspects of tickling that you intend to represent with your art? Example: laughter, squirming, the relationship between the tickler and the tickled recipient?

I like to portray a bit of the agony, that first moment when it’s so ticklish that you can only squirm in your restraints and accept what’s happening, laughter is also important in all this but more than anything the pleasure it brings to both parties (the tickler and the recipient)

Then the calm after the storm… some nice cuddles and teasing on the feet to close the moment, a way to rest before it’s all over…

(I think this choice is due to my fascination with bdsm themes, domination, submission, master/submissive trust and all that)

6) There are countless photos and videos of tickling sessions on the Internet. In your opinion, what do illustrations offer more than real-life images?

I couldn’t tell you exactly, what fascinates us about this phenomenon? It’s something strange but exciting at the same time, you would like to experience that and that deception moves you… I don’t know, it’s difficult to answer this question

7) In your opinion, what makes tickling so interesting for fans of this phenomenon?

Maybe euphoria, as I said before. That little moment when adrenaline shoots up and makes your heart beats a million times an hour

8) What are your works that you are most proud of?

Ufff… it’s hard for me to say and it’s because I have works that I haven’t shown to the public that I’m fascinated by and very proud of, but for the moment let’s say that my series of the treatment of paw patrol are my favorites more for the challenges that they have supposed to be created than for anything else


9) Do you have any particular artistic goal for the future?

YES!! I have hundreds of stories with their own characters and environments, some are alien to all this tickling stuff but I hope that the public likes them as much as I do creating them.

10) Do you think that AI will end up enriching or impoverishing the art of tickling representations?

Hmmm… what a difficult question, but as far as I’m concerned I only use AI for memes and nothing else, it’s curious to see what it throws at you with a bunch of random words but I believe and hope that one day AI can coexist in harmony with flesh and blood artists, perhaps it’s the best thing than displacing one or the other

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