The British TV series “The Avengers” features the protagonists grappling with challenges that they solve with their usual class and elegance. On several occasions they use tickling to make unwilling opponents more cooperative, without hurting them.
Episode 4X25: How to succeed… a murder (Angela Browne tickled)
When several top executives die, their secretaries take over their firms. Is it mere chance, or are women trying to take over the world? Steed employs a deadly secretary, and Emma finds sorority down at the gym.
Sara (Angela Browne) tries to defeat John Steed but he blocks her and starts to tickle her underarms.
Sara laughs loudly while Steed invites her to talk
Angela Browne was a friend of Patrick Macnee (Steed): Macnee really tickled her and that’s why her laughter came out so natural.
Episode: 6X9: Legacy of Death (Linda Thorson tickler)
Tara King (Linda Thorson) tickles a barefooted man with a brush to obtain some information. The victim is ticklish and starts to talk.
Episode 5X2: The Fear Merchants (Diana Rigg tickled)
Emma Peel (Diana Rigg) is briefly tickled by Steed with a feather. She seems ticklish and instantly retracts her foot.
Episode 5X3: Escape in Time (Diana Rigg not tickled)
Not a tickle scene. Emma goes back in time and is in a dungeon-like place where the villain locks her barefooted in wooden stocks. Sadly, instead of tickling her feet, he threatens to burn her soles with red hot coals.